FAO Food Price Index Drops Sharply
14:21 | 08/06/2012
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GLOBAL - Global food prices have dropped sharply in May due to generally favourable supplies, growing global economic uncertainties and a strengthening of the US dollar, FAO said.
Is Agriculture Leading the Way Out of the Recession?
14:32 | 05/06/2012
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ANALYSIS - Against what appears to be all the economic trends, the global agriculture sector seems to be showing a strength and even punching above its weight during the current global financial problems, writes, Chris Harris.
CME: Few Areas See Exceptional Drought Conditions
05:55 | 25/05/2012
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US - What beef producers — and especially cow-calf operators — want to do and what Mother Nature allows them to do are sometimes different things, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.
Rising Global Output Squeezes Local Prices
11:41 | 17/05/2012
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AUSTRALIA - The Australian dairy industry is feeling the effects of a very dynamic supply situation due to volume growth across international markets as international buyers sit tight, according to the 2012 Dairy Australia Situation and Outlook report released this week.
2.7 Billion New Consumers for Dairy Industry
19:35 | 15/05/2012
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GLOBAL - New research from Tetra Pak has identified 2.7 billion low-income consumers in developing countries as the dairy industry’s next big growth opportunity due to an expected rise in prosperity, purchasing power and desire for packaged liquid dairy products (LDP).
Winners Emerging from the Global Economic Crisis
22:44 | 10/05/2012
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ANALYSIS - While the US economic recovery is continuing, it is slowing. There has been increasing consumption and increasing residential investment, but with falling non-residential investment, the recovery could stall, writes editor in chief Chris Harris.
Corn Prices in Three Parts
20:24 | 08/05/2012
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US - Corn prices have recently moved in three distinct patterns. These include the patterns for new crop futures, old crop futures, and old crop cash prices, writes Darrel Good.
High Supply Impacts Milk Prices
10:36 | 06/05/2012
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GLOBAL - As supplies to international markets increase, global dairy product prices continue to fall. Yet, despite the drop in value, international prices for dairy products still remain well above historical averages.
Crisis in EU Dairy Markets
22:24 | 04/05/2012
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EU - In spring 2012, the European Dairy Board says that the dairy market situation of many countries in Europe is the same, vividly recalling the events of 2008 and 2009 with milk prices tumbling to worrying levels.
Cattle Outlook: Cattle Futures Regained Loss
22:03 | 30/04/2012
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US - The big news item for the week was USDA's announcement on Tuesday that a fourth U.S. cow with BSE (mad cow disease) had been found, this time in California. The previous three cows were discovered in December 2003, June 2005, and March 2006. Cattle futures were down the limit on Tuesday, but regained part of the loss on Wednesday.